Written by Brianna Sugalski⎮ Narrated by Krys Janae
Author: Brianna Sugalski
Narrator: Krys Janae
Length: 15 hours 18 minutes
Publisher: The Parliament House
Released: Apr. 15, 2021
Genre: Fantasy
A Breton princess at the peak of the French Renaissance, Lilac lives prisoner in her parents' castle after a wicked secret is revealed on the eve of her 10th birthday soirée. Years later, her coronation ceremony looms, and between the riotous townsfolk and scheming nobleman bent on snatching the throne, Lilac prepares for the worst...until a mysterious letter arrives from The Witch of Lupine Grotto, detailing a curious offer to cure her darkness forever.
Lilac begrudgingly trades her coronet for a cloak and ventures into the forest Brocéliande in pursuit of the impious enchantress at the edge of town. With only the protection of an inherited dagger - and unsolicited help of the gregarious stranger who inserts himself on her quest - she must traverse Brocèliande and return in time to claim her rightful position as sovereign monarch.
This is the story of a cursed princess, a crestfallen killer, the town that wants them to burn, and the witch that can save them both.
Meet the Author: Brianna Sugalski
Born and raised in Hawaii, Brianna Sugalski is a Dark Fantasy author who prefers to explore the more ominous—disenchanting, if you will—undertones of romance, history, and the arcane. Her debut novel, YA Fantasy DISENCHANTED, released with The Parliament Press on March 4th, 2020; its sequel, DISILLUSIONED, is in progress as of January 2021.
Sugalski is also a SF/F developmental editor under Crit & Pen Editorial. She currently lives in Maryland with her husband and two little korrigans of her own.

Jess has been a constant presence in the audiobook community since 2016, running The Audiobookworm and Audiobookworm Promotions. The only thing that surpasses her love of audiobook listening is the passion and zeal with which she promotes them.